Collaboration & Mentorship

California Alliance Website Archive

The California Alliance website has moved to the Research University Alliance.

An archive of the original California Alliance website can be found throughout the contents of this page.

About the California Alliance 

The California Alliance website has now moved to the Research University Alliance (RUA). The California Alliance website archive was created on September 1st 2021.

The California Alliance: Creating pathways to faculty and research careers in math, physical sciences, computer science, and engineering was funded in 2016 by the National Sciences Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Award No. NSF 1306595, 1306683, 1306747,1306760, 1647273, 1742065.

The California Alliance was a partnership between four leading California universities— University of California Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, Stanford, and the University of California Los Angeles—to ensure that underrepresented minority (URM) PhD graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from our alliance institutions aspire to and populate the ranks of the postdoctoral population, the faculty at competitive research and teaching institutions, the federally funded national laboratories, and scientific think tanks. The alliance was led by Principal Investigators: Frances Hellman & Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, UC Berkeley; Doug Rees, Caltech; Page Chamberlain, Stanford; Robin Garrell, UCLA.

The California Alliance website archive serves as a remaining record of materials, events, and information for the alliance.

The five color dot logo for the California Alliance repeated to make a square on a white background. Each color represents an alliance university member (from left to right): UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, Caltech, and Michigan.
The photo shows a group of California Alliance Conference 2016 featuring administrators and organizers.
Photograph above is of Principal Investigators and Administrators at the 2016 NSF-AGEP California Alliance Retreat at UC Berkeley.